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Serves: 12
Cooking time: 10 minutes
Total time: 50 minutes
Additional time: Makes 3 dozen


  • 2 tsp. dried French lavender buds
    3 cups flour
    2 tsp. fresh grated lemon peel
    1/2 tsp. salt
    1 Tbsp lemon juice
    1/2 tsp. vanilla
    1 cup butter, softened
    2 cups powdered sugar
    1-2 Tbsp. water, as needed


    4 Tbsp. well softened butter
    1 cup powdered sugar
    1 Tbsp. milk or cream
    1/4 tsp. vanilla
    1/2 tsp. dried French lavender buds, crushed


  • In a spice grinder or mortar and pestle, grind up the flowers for batter until a fine powder. Set aside.

    Preheat oven to 350˚. Whip the butter until creamy, then add the sugar and whip until light and fluffy. Add the vanilla, lemon juice, lemon zest, lavender and mix well. With the mixer on low, add the flour and salt until well combined. Add the water, a little at a time, until the dough is just able to be shaped into two 12 " long log, about 3" in diameter. Wrap the logs in parchment, and chill for 2 hours or longer, or freeze over night.

    Prepare the frosting before baking. Whip the butter until creamy, then whip in the sugar. As you are whipping it, add the vanilla and milk/cream until smooth, thick and creamy. You may need more than the tablespoon to get it to the right consistency. Add the crushed lavender flowers and mix well. Set aside.

    Line baking sheets with parchment or wax paper. Slice up the cookie log into 1/4 inch slices with a serrated knife. Place them on a cookie sheet, a couple inches apart. Bake about 8 min. or so, just until the edges are starting to brown. Let cool on the baking sheets, then transfer them to a cooling rack. Once completely cool, frost with a thin layer of frosting.
    You may wish to use a few extra crushed buds for garnish on top. Store the cookies in an airtight container between sheets of parchment paper.
    main ingredients: type of recipe:
    Warning: Undefined variable $cattype in /home/chefde5/public_html/recipe/tags.php on line 54
    cookie  cuisine: France   season and occasion: Christmas  
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    • Warning: Undefined array key "getusername" in /home/chefde5/public_html/animated-book_standalone.php on line 18
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